

A Dream Eternity
A haunting night follows me
wherever I go;
Running, falling, crying
puffed up with the destiny I got.
Every night became a real nightmare
and daylight is more darker than night.
The scared-stiffed life of mine
will never get an eternity of my dreams
A lost world of mine
which will never come back.
The rainbow have lost its colours
and will never shine back.
Even in my thoughts
a monochrome has scattered;
Only a scarlet hue is left which keeps
remembering me:
How I lost my world
and how I'll lost my life.
There's a Hobson's choice for me
so it had only became a dream to live in spring.
There's always a rain bird for me
which pours me with my regrets.
And that fallen Sun of mine
will never saw me it's dawn light.
Laughing upon my destiny
the Pearly Gates will never open.
At last I am tired,
so leaving myself under the spring tree
I'll death throe the prayer
to dream in an eternity.
-Gracy Gohil
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