

An Empty Stage.
The curtains fall, the lights dim low, the crowd has gone away,
An empty stage, a silent space, where echoes softly play.
The actors' voices linger on, their laughter still in air,
Their passion and their artistry, a memory we share.

The props are scattered, costumes hung, the set now bare and still,
The magic of the performance, a moment to fulfill.
The audience's applause now fades, a distant memory,
But in this quiet solitude, the stage still speaks to me.

The silence whispers secrets of the stories that were told,
Of love and loss, of joy and pain, of dreams that did unfold.
The empty stage, a canvas blank, awaiting its next tale,
A place where magic comes alive, where dreams will never fail.

So let us cherish this moment, this quiet, peaceful space,
For on this empty stage, we find the beauty of grace.
The memories of the performance, the magic that we made,
Will live on in our hearts forever, in this silent, empty stage.

Written By,
Ivan Edwin
Pen Name: Maximus.
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