cyclone of hurt and pain
this shit is amazing and making me crazy
its intensely running through each and every vein and creating my being.
what is happening right now? and what's even taking place? bbc faster and faster I start to notice images zooming past my face
I know this is him, that God we all know, the only thing that is truly real and urges us to grow
a total transformation is currently under works, working even harder then ever, for better or for worse.
I sure hope not bc it doesn't even vibe with the power of truth that makes you run away and hide.
maybe its a fantasy or possibly the truth?
who's turn is it up to bat?
whose jumping in the booth.
for the things you sought to seek are about your blow your mind
in so many beautiful ways , please be prepared to always smile
now here it begins, things starting to feel weird.
changing and morphing simultaneously like two spinning spheres.
its intensely running through each and every vein and creating my being.
what is happening right now? and what's even taking place? bbc faster and faster I start to notice images zooming past my face
I know this is him, that God we all know, the only thing that is truly real and urges us to grow
a total transformation is currently under works, working even harder then ever, for better or for worse.
I sure hope not bc it doesn't even vibe with the power of truth that makes you run away and hide.
maybe its a fantasy or possibly the truth?
who's turn is it up to bat?
whose jumping in the booth.
for the things you sought to seek are about your blow your mind
in so many beautiful ways , please be prepared to always smile
now here it begins, things starting to feel weird.
changing and morphing simultaneously like two spinning spheres.