

The yearning yapped yield,
Like valour wrapping talons of focus,
Around the castle of our hearts.
The day bore us on the wings of an eagle,
When we decide to take the deal,
We met at the streams without cares,
As each paid homage to the sun god,
While the trees waved in salute to His majesty.
The dancing of water on rocks silenced the air,
Preparing the way for what was to come,
The lazy trail was hazy,
Casting shadows on our path,
As if to hinder our course.
But we had supped from determination,
So with courage spicing our veins,
Our gaze was set as a flint.
© sailabby
#beunique #creative #poetry #storyteller #writcostories #nimble #bedifferent #pacesetter #trailblazer