

Be patient
Being patient doesn't necessarily mean being idle...
Only if satan knew God will descend from His throne one day.. he would have waited for a little while... be patient
I know for the fact that the guy who auctioned off his kidney years back knew that, a day like this will come where toes are being auctioned off he would have waited patiently....
Be patient.. the girl who committed suicide because her family couldn't afford her tuition fee, only if she knew that a day was coming where education would be free, she would have waited patiently and pushed the agenda... be patient...
Even the Caterpillar (insects) did not know it would one day grow up and become a beautiful butterfly...
Be patient
The girls who contracted HIV aids and other illnesses just because of 3310, techno, Nokia, iPhone 6 and other technological devices, only if they knew that a day like this would come where all these devices would be outmoded and more advanced technology were being invented, they would have waited for a while.... life be time some say..
be patient...
This life that some youth are rushing and overspeeding forgetting that life is not a race. Killing people for money rituals this life that some youths are eager to carry on their shoulders... IT HAS AN owner... if you're carrying it just drop it and be patient..
© Jes-celyn 2022