

Jeremiah 12:6
For even thy brethren, and the house of thy father,
even they have dealt treacherously with thee; yea, they have called a multitude after thee: believe them not, thought they speak fair words onto thee.

My dreams are important to me dreams are one of the ways for the Lord to give us a message.

Last night I dreamed that we were all fussing about something the reason is not clear to me yet.
After looking it up I was given the scripture..
Jeremiah 12:6
My family or rather my siblings are not very close
we're spreaded out here and there. We don't have the love and closeness that most families should have for each other. Yes we acknowledge each other
but love wasn't acknowledged from our living.
The words I love you are said but are rarely shown or felt from family members them having their own lives to live. We sometimes drift apart not hearing from each other for sometimes weeks or months.
The care for each other was just never taught in our lives "each to it's own. We all go out own ways live and let live so to speak.
But the closeness was never there for us.

Lord there were more than one scriptures given for family, I need you to show me what you mean about this dream because I don't understand please give me understanding about this dream.
In Jesus name

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