

I thought of you today and prayed you're truly okay
If a1zsked I will say that I'm perfectly fine with everything, no sadness within my childlike soul. But here it comes to greet me and keep me company once again in the Depths of the night like a long lost and almost forgotten friend. How is it that I can never seem to let you go fully after every thing you put  my poor unsuspecting soul through? All that I didn't deserve but was forced to swallow in order to keep from letting the rest of the world see my pain. I cant let this take place here or now. My new found love doesn't deserve the hurt that I could cause because your eyes hypnotize me. I can't let your energy consume me anymore. I am becoming the fairytale version of myself that I always envisioned as a younger vessel. In the hours of the light as well as the dark and barren emptiness of the moonless night.unbelieveable really this unrelenting hold on that which is most precious to me.
                  May 9, 2020
© Hailey Raine