

used me
I remember how we laughed
How you smiled at my silly mistakes
How you made fun of me
How you used to hold me still
So I would feel safe
But do you?
You were my safe space
A home I wanted to keep coming back to
You knew my biggest fears and mistakes
You knew my traumas and much more
But you poured salt on a wound you didn't create
The wound you were starting to heal
You stabbed a knife into my heart
So I could hurt deeper
You tried to apologise
You said you want me
Only me, nothing else
But I know the truth
You pull me close
My body all you want
Not my soul just my body
I try to push away
But I'm weaker than I seem
I feel disgusted by you
But I'm still sorry for you
When I didn't give you what you want
You left me again with the wound still bleeding
But not for long
This night is my last
Last on this earth with you
Finally I will join the stars
And maybe you will finally want me to
© AndželikaBendoraityte