


Revolution's disgrace, was a smut on the face
But now's shit the new norm, been on it for days
No sweat, nightmares, and noises could wake me
When I flew before I slept, like how it shall be

There are days when I wake up smooth as hell
Constant productivity, they'll never know my spell
Yet somedays I hope, to never wake up anymore
Unwillingness to live, drags me down the floor

I went to school, compelled to listen, then I sleep
Music aids disturbance, when I couldn't take a trip
Slight moments of socialization, be it but forced
Lack of passion to speak, I lost the cheap source

I wish I decided, regarding to the consequences
When I realize that life's like a burning cigarettes
Blew the silhouette, it's visible, yet for not so long
Each sip quickens the fleeting age, I did so wrong

Watch the skies crumble, my temple shatters too
Ash falls as my soul, reality's desire to be untrue
What shall I do, to keep the feeling, my feet over
Not on my coffin, but sprouts at once like a flower

© Dizon