

I'm not wrong either
I need you to know this is just a relationship
It either sinks or sails, our ship
Just one misstep will possibly end our bond
And i won't save it, i don't have a magic wand.

When we fall apart like autumn leaves,
There's no choice but to let us break
It isn't easy for me either, but I'll quitely leave
Making you think I'm a jerk, so you can be free

Getting attached to a bond of our kind
Is nothing but messing our own minds
We boost each other up, yes. But
we push each other until we're buried in mud

You think I don't care
You think it's not fair
But practically thinking,
The best way is unlinking.

Maybe we'll cry our hearts out
Maybe we'll get drunk and text each other with doubt
What if we're still down for each other?
We'd get back like nothing ever occured.

It's only for the best of you
I have no fun in leaving you.
Trust in the process trust in me
You deserve someone better than me.

I slowly watch you wither
Your friends think I'm bitter
But I can't tell you what I'm thinking
I know I'm not wrong either.

© Carishahh