

Awaiting the unseen knight...
In shadows cast by moon's soft glow,
A maiden waits with heart aflow.
Her dreams adorned in silken hue,
She ponders on what love will brew.

Will he ride in on stallion's might,
With valor fierce, his armor bright?
Or will he come in whispers soft,
A gentle breeze, yet strong aloft?

Will eyes of blue or emerald gleam,
With tender gaze, her soul redeem?
Or will they dance with mischief deep,
In playful wiles, her heart they keep?

Will he be bold, a knight so true,
With noble deeds, his path pursue?
Or will he be a poet's grace,
With words that weave a tender space?

She dreams of him, her unseen knight,
His touch, his laugh, his presence light.
But until fate unveils the key,
She waits in hope, her heart set free...