

Love and it's Curses
Love is a gift and a curse.
A potion enfused with intoxicating words.
A melody so peculiar soothing,
My mind on standby awaiting ,
The eruption of thoughts so seductive.

A Snare so Insidious Once uttered it illumanates foreign illusions,
A offer most tempting each word more tempting as the previous ones.

A crime of passion stripping the pebbles of a rose so graciously.
A curse indeed !! my greatest treasure ,
A mantra so ominous it convinces the most perplexed rose to seek comfort in the arms of a felonious villian.
A burden that brings meaning to my very existence,
A Curse followed by sudden urge to cuss,
A entity in search of passion,
A gift that feeds of others a deed,
so sinister it excites! The very blood that runs through my hollow veins.

Love A melody Once utterred it potrays Heaven on earth in the form of words an amorphous that takes the form of a devine angel ,
A crime comitted by a dark angel my gift a blessing and a curse,
i refuse to commit such treason my gift a treasure i presume ?

© -R.Smith