

its freezing ....im in this heavy jacket and my hands with gloves are sinking in my pocket.
It's dark,my heart is pumping but i give myself hope though I'm passing neat caskets.
I feel as if im being followed i look behind,theres no one.
my heartbeat can't be controlled but I'm certain that's not my shadow.
i increase the speed but i still feel the speed of someone behind me is increasing.
so i afraid i try to run but the person still runs with me.
I use another way to confuse whoever it was,
for a while there i felt this relief.
could it be a ghost no.....ghosts don't exist.
my mind isn't at peace as i walk but nomatter what i promised myself not to stop.
I moved foward not caring where i was to go.
wasn't ready to give up,was afraid yes but i wasn't going to look back.
The journey was long...the weather was so wrong.
i was walking on the right side of the road which was so wrong.
But i loved my life too much to dare look behind.....to dare stop and confirm who was following
My shadow indeed stopped following but my past ghosts,were able to follow even in the dark.
But in the dark i walked and only stopped when i saw the light.
© gigi writes