

Transformation's Tale...
Ignored, neglected, mocked, and shunned,
In shadows deep, where hope was none.
Ugly whispers filled the air,
Laughter sharp, a constant snare.

Lonely days and tear-streaked nights,
Dreams obscured by endless plights.
Through the dark, a fire burned,
A will to rise, to be unturned.

Toiled through years of silent strife,
Carved a path, rebuilt a life.
Beauty bloomed from dedication,
Success born of transformation.

Confidence and wisdom grew,
From the pain, a spirit new.
Praise now flows from those who sneered,
Hypocrisy, so insincere.

Fed up with their sudden cheers,
Remembering those bitter years.
Forgiveness nevervin her heart, and
giving shit about their regard...