

I've experienced a spicy love affair with a woman with strong desires. However I had to wait, to build excitable embers into a raging fire. It was exciting informing the body to increase in strength. The desires moving forward wasn't an accident, by chance. It was prearranged, encouraging the chorus of orchestrated sounds, expecting our equilibrium to dance. Guiding our footprints on erotic beaches. Daylight seems to be infringing upon our midnight meditations beneath, rarely seen streams of pleasure. Flowing between our lives. Whispering satisfaction lowers the gaze in her eyes, concerned. She and I were speaking boastfully, when our romantic experiences began to turn. Like a globe spinning. As a rotating top leaving, then returning back. To circle the moonlight, our compass determines where we're at. Physically exhausted, we're on the right track. Our spicy situation delightful. Words are received with excitement.The second time around the space of intimacy, our eyes see what know one else will ever see. Spicy.
© Daniel Mason