

Summer Vacation
- August 22, 2022 -
I sent you my closure because I //thought I// was done with you

- August 21, 2022 -
I sent my closure in hopes of letting go from you

- August 15, 2022 -
The last day you got yourself involved

- July 28, 2022 -
Marked the day you last messaged me

- Unknown Date -
The day we saw each other when we became strangers again

I thought I had some closure with you
But the mix of anxiety in the past couple of months
Seems to speak the truth
On behalf of my emotions

I also thought I had some closure with you
But realizing you were involved in this mess
Our distance got severed
And there goes the landslide that blocked us apart

You truly love her, don't you?
Your precious sister from another mother
Who would've thought
That you were her actual best friend

You are just like her, you know?
Speaking on someone's behalf
You guys are two peas in a pod
In which I was just a worm to begin with

Walking red flag
Couldn't see that you always had been one
A color of profoundity
Waging war in a land you don't care enough

You know
Asking for favors is fine
But to demand for it after being turned down
How high does that pride go

No response
Even a "Please wait, I'm busy"
I got so worried back when you weren't responding
When I realized I wasn't worth your time

Holding a grudge
Is your blood boiling yet
A year or more since we last talked
And you chose to be a third party?

"Best friend forever" or BFF
Someone who will fix the foundations of your friendship
By using a certain acid
That poses as a binder paint

Secretly starting a relationship
And there's me diving into it
Though I do admit it was my fault to start
Yet it was yours when you couldn't understand beforehand

A wise man emerging from the depths of the earth
Though I do admit you are indeed skilled
But the lack of understanding you have
Makes you look like your some kind of a-hole

Another wise man yet emerged from the local village
My respect to your wisdom and knowledge
But with the same reason as the previous
You are just another one of them

Oh mighty fortune teller
How many lives have you fooled
Is your pleasure acquired
Or are you still waiting for more?

Elegance and beauty
How delightful to squeeze
Are you happy to have controlled others
For being the innocent little fairy you are?

Aren't gnomes supposed to be cute
Or did I just encounter a broken one?
You pretty much did nothing though
Except breaking hearts

You did not do much to me
And I do so cherish the moments we had
If only you can understand "no"
We could still had been friends

You didn't really do much to me
But you did feed the monster inside my head
Offering unwanted silence
In which I craved out of worry

I initially had nothing to do with you
But of course you are always on my ex BFFs' sides
I admire your loyalty
And yet not surprised you couldn't maintain that with your lovers

You, of all people, were the one I called "soulmate"
But either one if us has no soul
Or it was never meant to be
And either or both forced to make it

You also didn't do much to me
Other than breaking my heart with you little efforta
No communication due to the distance
But won't even say a word when we're near

So how do you feel now
That a friend who called you family
Turns you into a stranger

How do you feel now
To have return to your land
After being polluted with your fellow plastics

How do you feel now
That you cyberbullied someone
For the sake of your innocent big sister

How do you feel now
That you left your "best" friend
As if she is just another one of them

How do you feel now
To follow your friends' footsteps
And lose the priviledge offered to you

Having fun with your life yet?
Got control or controlled?

Do you feel freedom away from that home?
Did you realize you had always been the same with them?

Are you happy for what you've done?
Being one of the main reasons a friendship broke?

Am I an obstacle to you now?
Because you are running away...

Do you have new special someone?
Is it still easy to break their heart using those crimson waves?

I could forgive you
But I don't seem to do so yet

I could never forgive you
Even if I wanted to

I despise you
A cyberbully

I loathe you
I forever will

I hate you
Deary boy

The day you try to reason out again
Just remember
You owe yourself an apology
For attempting to control someone
To feed that prideful pleasure you raised

The day you try to communicate with me again
Don't you even try, my dear
A born again hypocrite
You were never special to begin with
And I regret to have ever think of that

The day you message me again
Cursing and swearing
Calling me an animal and a loser as if you aren't one
I hope your blood boils
Like a man's bloody back inside the brazen bull

The day you contact me again
I hope you are finally like courage the cowardly dog
A real person to befriend
And not some innocent-looking girl
Who loves to play with emotions

The day we meet again
I hope you are no longer that bloody deep crimson flag
And that you finally know how it feels
To lose a future precious romantic partner
Opposite to how you treated your past lovers

I hope the five of you have the lives you deserve
After knowing you will never ever die
For when a writer raises that pen
Your souls will forever be stained with the blackest ink
In which neither scribbles nor the whitest of dye
Can erase the memories you tainted within

But may you grant a //hopefully// mutual wish
So chant it with me

~ I hope to never cross paths with you again ~

*But no, no, no*

//I am not done with you yet//

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