

The window that waits for you
Thinking back to a time when I would be able to look out of the window with nothing but excitement and a deep longing to once again be next to you, however the window does not share my enthusiasm almost as if it already knew.
The day was no different than any other day except for the fact the time I spent looking out the window was much longer that what I had been used to.
Seeing the reflections of the clouds passing by the window I would get lost daydreaming of all the things we would do. however this day was in fact much different than the rest as it would be the last time I would ever get to see you.In the silence of my thoughts the phone begins to ring in the back ground but as I approached something was telling me it had to do with you.
Expecting to pick up the phone and the soothing sound of your voice is what I would hear, it was instead a policeman telling me what my heart had already known and that was God had taken you away from me far to soon and there was nothing I was able to do.
I will miss you for always my most dearest Love and although I will not be around for ever this window will always be waiting for you.