

I knew a Writer

Pov : Have you ever came across someone in your life and thought they are so different from your view and thought to unbond them, from what they showcased outside to you???


I knew a Writer
I knew him, by his Name
I knew him, by his Works
I knew him, by his Poetry
When I had the time
to talk to him,
His voice isn't like his Name
His meanings aren't his Works
He wasn't the Poetry
But Still he was the Same Writer
But he was different from his side
I knew a Writer
But know, I knew him differently.

The Bond I thought to share
wasn't going to last,
The journey I loved to travel
wasn't leading to any destination
The Paper Flowers that are colourful
doesn't seem to scent,
The Glitters that spark on his eyes
aren't his own, but my Hallucination.

© Hazel