

a peasent to a princess
these days my life is stagnant like water in a pond , I look up at the stars sometimes and wonder what's beyond...
I walk alone most days just as any lost soul does , it wasn't really love she felt I wonder what it was...
I'm getting older now and with my age came lessons , I finally learned from my mistakes and made a few confessions...
I know now after all the pain has broke me down , it doesn't matter how I felt I should have been around...
So to express how much I'm sorry I wrote this for you , please read your daddy's words princess I promise there all true...
first thing I wanna stress to you comes straight from daddy's heart , my little girl Ive missed you every time we've been apart...
so secondly sweet baby I'd like for you to know,
daddy's sorry for not being there all the times I didn't show...
When you were born you looked at me an my heart filled with love ,
I knew you were an angel that was sent from up above..
All the time I wasn't with you and my absence made you cry , I lost a piece of me with every tear that left your eye... if time was really money I'd be taking out a loan , and I'd spend each second to relive your every milestone...I'd watch you taking your first steps from our couch to the door , and smile as i heard those tiny footsteps hit the floor ... then once I'd spent it all reliving memories of you , I'd sit there sit there feeling sad for all the things I couldn't do... Ive never felt a pain like when the judge took you away , there ain't a word that can describe the way I felt that day... now the minutes turned to hours the hours into days , the days then turn to months as we go separate ways..my baby daughter life is hard , so before I punch life's last time card. listen to your dad's advice , in life you'll screw up once or twice... don't lose yourself in your mistakes , and just one slip is all it takes.. the things we lose help us to see , just how fragile life can be. so seize the day live for the night And if you love it hold on tight...Im proud of who you came to be and glad you've had success... now I feel much like the poor man in love with a princess.... take good care of your brothers please and when all seems lost hit your knees ...
take pride in everything you do ... and know dad's watching over you

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