

When you are asleep.
When you close your eyes and slowly drift away,
Into a realm of darkness where you lose yourself,
The world around you still goes on normally anyway.
The busy workers still staying up night and day,
Ants still searching, Bees still after nectar,
The world still turns in the same way,
Nothing changes when you are away.

Birds still flying, people still dying,
The mysteries still unravelled, many places still untravelled;
New people coming, old people leaving,
The insects still flying and to the humans animals still crying,
Rich wanting more while poors struggle to stay.
Wars still happening, hate still prevailing,
Love still finding its path to a lover's heart, sins continue to spread everyday.
Your family still loves you, Strangers still don't know you today,
Your haters still despising you, lovers still dying for you,
But when you sleep too long everyone eventually goes away.
Haters start to hate others, lovers forget your silhouette,
Soon, how you cried the way you smiled, they all forget,
People move on quickly when in sleep you fade away.

The world just doing fine, it didn't need you back then and doesn't care about you today,
So many people have insane desires and think they are the protagonists,
Their fantasies are galaxies and their hopes shine bright like stars,
Just like you, they also wish to change the world thinking they'll stay the same way,
They go on to create a better place with themselves in the center,
Believing they are the rulers and all others will surrender,
Then they get tired and realise that they let themselves get carried away;
Then the idea of God strikes their head, "maybe there is someone who would help us today?"
Their legacy starts falling in front of their eyes while in their beds they lay,
Helpless, they look back on their sins, then for a never ending sleep they pray,
Finally they close their eyes and all their dreams fade away.
So many legends have come, but no one could stay,
In the end all got tired and couldn't resist a sleep,
The world doesn't need you, it continues the same way.

Just like you, every man thinks he is special and the world will not be the same when he goes away,
Ages back, there were far more special people who thought the same way,
Their fury still unmatched, their zest still unparalleled,
Their minds were sharp and so were their blades,
They too set out to conquer the world and even changed the maps as we know them today;
At the end they got exhausted too and went to their naps,
As their sleep became deep their legacy crashed,
Their kingdoms fell and their impacts fainted away,
They will be remembered for a long time while you may be forgotten soon,
In the end their memories will also fade away.

Why are you sad RG? Pain was your past and life passes fast,
Just stay glued to this way, you will find success one day,
Tonnes of opportunities are unexplored, there are better people out there, you won't get bored;
There is a vast ocean where we all fall as drops someday,
Some cause a huge ripple in it while others have a small play,
Don't be anxious about tomorrow, be glad you are here today.

© RG