

Dying to Live
I'm tired of the dings and the pings and the aches and the sprains
Of the grunts and the groans and the multiple pains

From my youth I fast forward to a thing I call hell
Am I tired am I bitter am I pissed can't you tell ?

There's no drugs, no elixirs no magical cure
Just the doctors and nurses and bills
that's for sure

It's day after day after day of a fight
For my strength, for my vision,
just for some sign of a light

What once stood before me now lies in the past
All the hopes all the dreams all the journey
way to fast

So fuck you and fuck them and fuck all this shit
The pain and the aging
I've had it I quit

I once heard a saying
don't die on your knees
go out while your standing
and living with ease

You'll read what I've written
and hopefully see
What now stands before you
once stood before me

So quicken your steps
cause times not your friend
The road we all travel
must come to an end

My final thought ponders
What else can I do
If I can't keep fighting
I'm finished I'm thru

That's all that is written
in my book of life
how tomorrow will find me
depends on tonight

By Richard C Strong

#age #living #dying #frustration

© Dick Strong