

Day 966 of 1095
Let restless hearts rest
God give me the strength
To withstand your tests
Feeling my heart pound
through my chest
I wish to confess
That today is another beautiful day
That we are gifted, blessed
This is certainly no contest
As I inhale to catch my breath
Giving you space to take in
what I've said
Where to go from here, what's next?
These words I speak, honestly
Let them not be taken out of context
Out here slinging like the wild west
It's a jungle out here
in this concrete forrest
Filled with moving machines
All kinds of cars an mechanical things
churning up smog and lucid dreams
As we sleep with 1 eye open it seems
World MooViN too fast
We are scared to miss anything
Faces Plastered to an LED SCREEN
Sometimes I just wanna scream
So frustrated about so many things
But I don't wanna be a drag
And cry about all the negativity
That life can sometimes bring
Choices we make kind of thing
So I wanna change things up
Give thanks for God's many blessings
Even the little things
The air in my Lungs
The sunlight on my skin
We are blessed to be
in the land of the living
So be grateful and give thanks daily
We are not promised tomorrow
Ain't that something crazy
So live for today, no if ands or maybes
So I speak from the heart
Offering up prayers to the Almighty
As I struggle and fall
May HE be walking beside me
Pick me up when I fall kind of thing
Lift me up when I need inspiring
Lord knows I'm trying
As Long as I'm living I'm dying
So I'd better live in the moment
Why run when I should be flying
These are the mountains
we must continue climbing
Stay vigilant while the sun is shining
Work your ass off, stay grinding
As Life can be so demanding
It can spin you as if you were dancing
You are blessed to still be breathing
This is just what I'm feeling
This is simply what I'm believing
May my words come to life
As I pray at night, Lord willing
I shall see another morning
And feel the flutter
of my heart still beating

#poetry #poetrywriting #dpomlive #therapy #writingtherapy #restlesshearts

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