

Still searching..for more..
Her soul resonates...
....moaning high...it soars...
For that every drop.....
...and every warmth...again..
Imprisoned by distance....
...shrouded in darkness and pain..
As this torturous onslaught...
...bleeds through time...
While..crawling for rejuvenation...
..missing caresses-those passionate embraces
..He madly groans grabbing himself..
...nothing...but for solace...
Struggling...she wiggles & wrestles...
...in endless dark nights & solitude...
Agony piercing her in multitude...
...just alive....breathing for him...
Longing and longing....
....for that mysterious bonding...
Many anticipations- dissipations..
....shadowed out..yet..a call for integration...
Spinning...beyond her wildest aspirations....
Her parted lips...still awaits...
...that soothing togetherness...
...that kindles her soul...
for...he has to return..as her sain...
Now that all reasons laid - so justified...
Nothing...but to blindly embrace...
HER HEART - his only refuge and grace...
..beyond infinity for her.....
....just for both... to breathe again.
© SanghamitraDevi