

I closed my eyes yesternight
Opened them this morning to a new dawn
I did not understand what this was
I moved up from my bed to meet my family
Trying to get resolution to my confusion
And they told me it is a new year
Moving outside, the sun greeted me warmly
The breeze welcomed me gently
I respired the air and it felt like the breath of life
Young and Old Swaying up and Down in excitement
Indeed this is a new day in a new year

Uncorrupted as a new born baby is this day
New as the morning sunrise is this day
Special as a rare gem is this day
Bright as a diamond is this day

This day marks the beginning for this year
This day marks the beginning of Success for the Wise
This day marks the beginning of Progress for Goal setters
This is not just any day
But a new day in a new year
The clock has started ticking
Set your goals, plan and be wise
Happy New Year Everyone


© Preshyrites