

Sensitive or negetive??
It was a fine day,
But not as fine for her,
The sun again shined,
And she again blamed herself
for being so sensitive!!!

She was in doubt,
whether she wasn't capable
of Understanding jokes,
Things were not lining up,
But never got an answer
to it!!!

She cried in silence,
She felt bad in public!!
She again blamed herself,
for being so sensitive!!

She remembered,
tried to recall,
if similar situations
happened when she
was at her home!!
Shared with people,
so that they
could help her
figuring out,
She was judged,and,
laughed upon!!
She again blamed herself for being so sensitive!!

She tried alot to
avoid situations,
And, finally,
A day arrived,
when she could
no longer blame
herself,for being sensitive!!!
She overthought, overthought,
and, became mentally ill!!
Now,the society blamed herself for being so negetive!!!!!

Because she was never understood as sensitive,but always as negetive!!!
© Manasi Mishra