

Where to start
My name is Blue. I would like to give you a clue, lend me your ear for a few.
I'm far from ordinary quite the contrary.
I'm a modern day hippy, with a garden what can keep you tipsy.
Connections and love are the my drugs of choice. You can hear it in my voice, as I sing along to may favorite songs.
I pack a bong and start writing, somedays it's easier then fighting.
You see my life is far from perfect. Everyday isn't always worth it.
I look in my children's eyes and wonder why....
They see me smile and their eyes light up, oh ya that's enough. My heart walks on earth broken in two, half for both of you.
Winter is coming, my garden will be sleeping, what will Blue do.....
I wish there was a way, to start all over without the weight of the past. Some days I feel I won't last.
I almost forgot what my path was, he had me so deep in the fog my head was a buzz.
A new friend helped shine a light, so I could fight.
To get back to where I should be. I just wish he could see. What he is worth to me. My knight in shinning armor.
My heart calmer waiting for my moment, when the boys and I can own it. Our lives once again free of the monster.
Knowing I'll likely never not be broken. So Blue spends her time loving and healing the unspoken. The pain you feel from being the strong one, the one that everyone leans on.
I'll be the one to motivate you, to help you see what you can be. Because not everyone has the life path as me.
Be the person you call when you need help with your girlfriend, vent about a crappy weekend.
I'll be the corny chick that never seems to get enough, I'll be the rock you need when your life gets tough. I'll be brutal and honest if it suits you, no matter what I will be Blue. Here for you when you feel like there's noone else. Here when you can't even help yourself. Still here a months of being shut out.
Why you ask,

that the life that I choose to do, that of one I call Blue. One else needs to know this pain, the pain of knowing it will never be the same.

Blue can carry that pain. It won't be in vain, I have already seen the change, in the people I care about.

but this is just a clue, as to who I am as Blue. Now you have a slight clue.

and a place where we can start.

© BeautifulBlueGem