

I'm Sorry I Failed You
I failed you.
I failed myself.
And there's nothing to blame,
But my own stupidity.

When I was supposed to be there for you,
I wasn't.
You suffered.
All Because I failed you.

It's too late to say
I'm sorry.
It's too late to go back,
And be what I was supposed to be.

I failed you.
And because of that,
I failed myself.
I'm so deeply sorry.

I sit in the middle of the road,
How could I screw up so bad?
How could I let you down?

The rain pours down my head,
Over my face,
Covering the tears of agony
That I choose to let fall.

It's what I deserve.
This pain.
I lost you.
I can never get you back now.

If only I was smart
And did what I promised to do.
Then maybe,
I might have you as a friend still.
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