

My Father And I
I'm mad at my father.
He said come to me you who are weary I'll give you rest but I'm even more restless after going to him.
He's not answering my prayers or maybe he's taking too long to answer.

I'm mad at my holy father.
He's been giving me the silent treatment and now the people I knew to never lose hope in him are detaching their souls from him. I used to motivate the weary to believe always but now that things took this turn, I don't know how to even inspire them nomore. The words fall to my mouth stuck in my throat making me question if I even believe those words of mine.

I talked to him though.
I believe we came to an agreement. My mind is at rest now that I told him to stop it. I told him that I don't like what he's doing right now, I told him I'll respect him forever. That if he thinks that his actions will pull me away from him he's wrong cause I will always stand with him, I'll always believe and hope because he is the Way the Truth the life and I'll forever be his. I gave my soul my all and he can't I don't accept refunds. He is my shepherd but I don't care if he'll lead me his sheep to the slaughter.

I made peace with my Heavenly father.
I told him if he loves me then I only want him. Nothing less cause I won't settle for less. I'll always be his child, his daughter. I don't know, maybe he doesn't want me but I'll always be with him because he promised in his holy book and if he thinks I'll quit on him then he should think again.
He's there, I know it more than anyone. He's able he loves and he lives.

I am his and he is mine.
Like father I try to be .
I'll never lose hope.
Never ever.
I'll be with him even in heaven.
I'll forever be of my Lord the living God.

© maponda.r.HEA