

Remembering Heroes
Enjoying freedom which is often callously displayed,
often we forget about those whose roles are portrayed.
With faces of determination on battlefields bloodstained,
where soldiers have died that peace might be maintained.

Honored for their deeds by those they have saved,
and names remembered upon walls that are engraved.
Reminding those who come in search of easy answers,
to questions which arise from their everyday adventures.

Having lives mundane in existence compared to stories,
without a chance for any distinction fighting adversaries.
Not aware of the damage caused by needless battles,
nor panic among people which such violence unsettles.

It's never acceptable when soldiers lose their lives,
but necessary for existence so that mankind thrives.
Reaching beyond the stars to discover its destiny,
and become part of a universe existing in harmony.

If a need arises one day to raise up arms for defense,
look back on heroes of yesterday and seek guidance.
So victory might be found and a new day to dawn,
continuing our journey through history ever strong.

© Renopoet