

The Alcoholic
Day or night, I hear your cries filled with desperation, longing to be free.
Alcohol, like a siren, screams out your name. Promising temporary relief, but leaving you much the same. blackouts and thirst, those shakes take their toll.
Yet still, the craving persist deep within your soul.
You seek refuge in alcohol to find a drunken embrace,
but this respite is just a fleeting grace.
You seek this joy in alcohol to drown your sorrow.
But this old happiness is times of borrowed.
A fleeting moment.
A moment in drunkenness, that only amplifies your depression.
And on such gloomy days admits the tears and the grey.
You turn and hit the bottle, in the hope to take the pain away.
There is another path my friend.
A path to explore,
one that leads to healing, to strength and more.
Reach out to the light, to the ones willing to listen.
Seek peace within and find moments you can glisten.
look within and find the courage to face your strife.
Seek the way of Alcoholics Anonymous and bring yourself back to life.
So when the time arrives,
And the soul is yearning but strong.
Remember who you are and where you are and most of all where you belong.
Reach out to A/A, a friend or stranger, who can guide.
In a community that’s strong we can battle side by side.
You’re not alone, let’s try to find a better way.
As the ocean starts her swell with cyclones and hurricanes, your ship needs steering to a brighter better day.
The darkness will fade with each 24 hour day, as your spirit will soar.
The need for a drink will slowly ease and peace will fill your soul.