

GR Scalar Fields
In the vast expanse where physics dwells,
A tapestry of knowledge, the universe tells,
Gravitational physics, a realm profound,
Unveiling secrets where wonders abound.

Advancements emerge, like celestial songs,
Revealing truths, where curiosity belongs,
Gravitational wave astronomy takes flight,
A symphony of ripples, in spacetime's might.

Black holes, enigmas, in darkness reside,
Now captured in images, their presence amplified,
Telescopes sharper, peering through the night,
Painting pictures of cosmic delight.

In this quest, gravity's strength unfurls,
Probing strong fields, where awe unfurls,
Gravity's character, a novel approach,
Opening doors for GR's modification, encroach.

Scalar fields rise, a powerful decree,
An additional degree of freedom, yet to see,
Generalising GR, expanding the scope,
In the face of high curvature, new horizons we hope.

Within this thesis, the journey begins,
Exploring scalar tensor theories, where science wins,
No-hair theorems reviewed, their essence refined,
Conditions defied, as possibilities entwined.

Black holes with scalar hair, a mesmerising sight,
Modified by derivatives, altering their might,
The interplay of solutions, unveiling cosmic lore,
In this dance of gravity, wonders galore.

As higher derivatives shape the tale,
Properties transform, a cosmic veil,
Strong-gravity phenomenology, intriguing and vast,
Unveiling the secrets that the universe amassed.

Through the lens of knowledge, we find our way,
Into the heart of gravity, where mysteries sway,
Scalar fields and black holes, a symphony composed,
In this marvelous cosmos, their essence exposed.

So let us delve deeper, embrace the unknown,
Expanding our understanding, seeds of wisdom sown,
For in the discoveries, where science takes flight,
We unlock the universe's secrets, in wondrous delight.
© Cosmicbeing