

Warrior's Embrace: Seeking the Sun
Have you witnessed a warrior's soul, afraid?


For he's lost those who once cared, betrayed.

What propels him to each battle, you say?


His gifted skills, he trusts, will light his way.

No mouth claimed he wasn't gripped by fear,

But his mind stood strong, resolute and clear.

A hardened soul, pain can't breach its might,

For he knows this isn't his final fight.

He sought solace in the moon's gentle glow,

Thinking it held the key to let emotions flow.

Yet wisdom dawned, his insight deepened,

The moon couldn't fulfill what his heart had weeped in.

'Twas the sun he yearned for, radiant and bright,

To ignite his spirit, dispel the endless night.

The sun's warmth and hope, his truest creed,

A new beginning, where scars and battles recede.© Mohammed yusuf