

you tune my poems out

You tune my poems out

You tune my poem out
You tune me out
Cos you don’t wanna fuckin listen….
You hate the truth…
You hate the messenger in me…
I touch where your soul is trigger…
So you back off,
You simply ignore me…
You tell everybody I listen too much
YouTube and conspiracy theories…
What if I were told you that
I observe people
People surroundin me….
And I listen to their stories….
I listen to their experiences
I do my research…
What the fuck are you doin?
I’m writin for a change
What are you doin?
Besides tunin me out
Givin my poems back in my hands
Like I ain’t allowed to have a voice…
You were like, I could but you’re goin to
Hurt somebody…you’re goin to offend
I said no….
I said and
I’m a poetess for a reason
For a fuckin reason…
I don’t coddle feelings
Truth is the truth…
Do you want a message to be the truth?
Cos that’s the problem
Nobody likes the truth….
Nobody likes reality check….
That’s why you tune me out
You tune my poetry out…
You turn the other cheek…
You get annoyed…
You be like can you write somethin else?
Besides you’re mean
You’re rude
You wrote somethin I don’t like…
It doesn’t make me feel…
It would hurt my feelings honestly..
How would I say these things
When the world is so wrong
In the first answer?
The world isn’t that peaceful…
The world is cold
And there are people who will treat
Others like shit….
And no I will not be so nice
Will not be so sweet
I’m compassionate for givin
Those don’t have a voice
Even when I don’t have an experience
I have empathetic heart that beats through
The broken souls….
I advocate for integrity
For doin the right thing..
And if I die so sudden,
You think of me
Seein my poems goin viral
Or somethin
Don’t forget you tune me out
You might realize I was right
I was speakin facts
Cos you see what I saw….
💯✊🏿©️ Kai C. 5-25-24
© Kai C..