

The world calls them Specially abled persons
Less than others they were labelled and burdens.

Tagged Incomplete, Incompetent and Unfit,
In the world obsessed with perfection,
they were told to quit.

With all their might and fierce fights
against obstacles,
they ascended the ladder of heights
shedding struggles.

Accepting themselves in
a perfection obsessed world ,
With pride, dedication and devotion ,
India's Flag unfurls.

Rising from the ashes,
a journey nadir to zenith.
An unwavering will,
love for life is their secret.

Leading oneself with faith
through life's ebb and flow.
They emerge as Champions ,
with a warrior spirit to glow.

Let's pledge together,
To celebrate and adore them forever.
Live in life keeping faith at centre.
Compassion leads a harmonious life,
In This world everyone deserves to be thrived.


© Alphaclimber01🌻