

don't cry cause people talk shit about you stop cry and stand up for yourself ❣️ it's not everyone can stand but you can so you stand and let others people see that you can stand there are so many people in the world that are suffering and can't help them self soany sit by the road side and ask for money everyday so that they can eat a meal every single night and day but some people see them and pass them like they are not human there was a day when I cause not eat but begged for help and I get it so I ask some people not just some people lots of people to help people and humanity they need it they are willing to take what you gave them so please 🥺 help them I'm so sad that I can't work and give everyone one that on the road money and place to live they are more than a thousand home less people in the world so please help I'm sad so help them so I'm not sad
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