

A Tale of Nature!
Nature, in its unseen forms lie preserved
Apart from the melodious chirping , or
the greenery spreading it's vastness,
there exists a thousand species, undiscovered,
untarnished by Our presence, moving freely in the Wild!
Yet fighting for their existence in this savage world
Where survives only the fittest!

But a species exist, violating and defying the rules of evolution
Encapturing and trying
to command the God's own jurisdiction!

The mysterious yet enchanting World of Blue
hiding it's life in various vibrant shades of hue
For it acts as the cradle of Life,
Still young, blooming itself in myriad forms!
from hard-shelled to eight legged,
All the distinct shapes have emerged
Some flora , some fauna
While others intermingled between the two.
Some alive, some dead
While others barely on the verge of both
Some known , most unknown
Untouched by the Devil's hand
Remains Hidden

The fictitious free forests and the illusive intriguing islands;
-sounds so for now they're losing their essence
Due to the Satan's willful obstinate presence

Both once abandoned by an Angel;
for the Devil was too once a heavenly creature;
Existed in their untainted form for a time too brief
Confining the life so that it remains away from mischief
Until it was again captured and maliced!!

What is their fault, those impeccable innocent creatures
Suppressed extensively by one of their own;
Makes me Wonder:-
Is it the Rule of Evolution to hinder it's own growth
Or is it the idiocy of Us to assume ourselves as the Master of all?

© The Infinity @Anant