😠Trying not to frown, Yet
The smile on my face is real,😏
😷Today, i have something to smile about,
Even though life and its challenging struggles are but so real.😤
I live by a statement of phylosophy, "Turn all negative or bad 😓situations in to positive 😋or good situations," then reveal how you really feel,🤗
🤔In bad situations, like in a movie I slipped on a bananna🍌 peel,
💡Then a...
The smile on my face is real,😏
😷Today, i have something to smile about,
Even though life and its challenging struggles are but so real.😤
I live by a statement of phylosophy, "Turn all negative or bad 😓situations in to positive 😋or good situations," then reveal how you really feel,🤗
🤔In bad situations, like in a movie I slipped on a bananna🍌 peel,
💡Then a...