

The day we met
You became my everything
Saying words you shouldn't have said
A rush into my veins
You got into my head

I thought I was so special
Everything was great
you were my drug
Id take you everyday
But the more I gave in
the more you'd take

I felt myself slipping away
You kept telling me tomorrow will be okay
Putting the headaches and pain aside
I always stayed

How could you do that to me
Lie after lie again
Always reassuring me our love would never end

You even had me convinced I'd be better off dead

My whole life ahead of me
You laughed in my face
All the things I once loved about you
I now hate

You let me bleed, babe
My love for you is out the door
I gave you all I had
You're not welcome here anymore

So I'll keep telling myself
tomorrow will be okay
I'm getting you out of my veins
I'll break free from you
the memories of us will be erased