

In Pursuit of You!
Looking for you wherever I go!
You are my sunshine, I crave for you!
Yesterday I dreamt of thee
When regained my consciousness I couldn't find you!
And thought u flee
Still I try to find you!

Your dazzling visage, the charm you carry
Lefts my heart vulnerable
It bounds me in spell, enchants me.
Enticed I am by your serenity.

Your reddish lips, soft as silk
I wanna taste their savour smoothness
In your eyes I see a glittering glaze
Their tenderness, their delicacy - Oh my!

You stroll past me as a gentle breeze
Trying to fondle my face and stroke my hair
Your enigmatic pearls seems a lot to hide
For they're as deep as a bottomless sea!
Still I wanna immerse in them
And descend and dive there Forever.

Under the setting sun, you look at me
Astounded am I, by the beauty of thee!
Smiling through your hairs which,
from time to time,
partly covers your face.
Reminding me of the moon whose lustre is,
splintered by the arrival of clouds in the sky,
And also of that sparkling sea under the glittering sunshine
that is covered by the splashing gigantic waves,
from time to time.

You being my Venus and I,your Mars
You being my Helen and I,your Paris
You being my Lizzie and I,your Darcy
You being my Isolde and I,your Tristan
Our love draws examples infinite,
relating with each in a way or other,
and as pure as theirs!

I look at you and Nature, in it's most benign form,
appears to me!
From the binding chains,
you set my entrapped soul free.
Your mere presence amplifies the charm of surrounding
You let me explore the nature's beauty.

'Love' is a trivial word for our Relation
For we've binded ourselves in an unbreakable knot
Ironically, the knot sets us free to soar up above to Infinity

Now I notice my erroneous belief
How foolish was I
to search you in body.

Now I know how nescient I'd been
Searching for you always in my Dream
I bounded you in thoughts of thine
Not now I desire to feel thee by skin
I don't pine to make you mine
For our souls were always akin!

Not anymore I bear the pain of losing thee
Relinquished have I my search for you,
For I forgot that we weren't two!

You always existed there
As is oxygen in the air.

Now when you've transcended to the world of Eternal
I can still feel your omnipresence in this planet of mortal!

You always reminded me of nature's beauty
Submerging the Nature all in you
Carrying all its distinct shades of hue
Thus if I feel the nature, I'll certainly feel you!

You manifest and dwell in everything I see
Wherever I cast my beads upon, helter and skelter,
Now, I find you everywhere!
In those twists and turns of the brook
In the sprouting seeds, in the ripening fruits
In the melodious chirping of birds,
In happiness and even in melancholy
In the essence of Flowers
In sweet and even in the sour
Whenever a gentle stroke of breeze subtly caressess my face
I feel you
In the night's calmness and in the sun's grace

Well now I know that you never left me
In this nature, you roam free

Wherever I go, I always find you
© The Infinity