

The Patronus Within

The shadows will whisper, secrets dark and deep,
Embrace yourself, don’t compare or compete.
You are your own North Star, unique and bright,
On this desolate path of life, shine your glorious light.

Ambitious dreams await you, let distractions fade,
Remain focused on results, don’t let them evade.
In the midst of competition, rise above all,
But never fret much, for all heroes once fall.

You’re a bird of free spirit, spread your wings and fly,
No matter how tough things get, never be afraid to try.
Strong, determined and wise beyond measure,
You are to your loved ones, a priceless treasure.

Your mind is a canvas, your thoughts: a work of art,
Cherish them dearly, they’re the key to your heart.
And when all hope seems lost, no way to win,
Simply draw light from yourself, the Patronus within.

© archaios <3