


You hardly gazed at the vivid frame?
I've painted rainbow to give you luminous view
Yet, you carry on staring into the shadows
When will you discern me in redden?

Begging you to flee yourself from grayscale field
I held a torch to lighting up your ill-lit sight
And taking chances you might see my dazzling hue
Catching me wasn't grueling, unless you wouldn't want to.

I was chasing the firefly, to make you smile
Don't break our concealed string
Might end up of losing my way
And we may detach until the last

Written on
December 22, 2021 12:35am

The message of the poem depends on how you see/apply it.

For me, as an individual we have these two sides of emotions when the tribulation, or catastrophe comes in our life; the light seeker and the grayscale.The light seeker is the positive side, who's always convincing ourselves that there are always good things that will come. However, the grayscale is completely drowned in sorrow and the wrecked side of us. So never let yourself drown in sadness, it is okay not to feel fine, do not let yourself lose hope, you might lose yourself.

This message of the poem can also be applicable to the story of
a person that was never noticed by the person he/she loved.

© ugma