Phantasmagoric Reverie
Never liked not having control of my body
Then how contradictory
Of me to swallow an unknown pill
Got myself fooled by pretty colors
And smiley faces
That cover a poisonous skull underneath
To my credit, it was a knowing act
As opposed to my contemporaries
Having their choice erased
By insidious drops on their drinks
The stomach is the first victim
It's always the stomach
There to remind me why I don't
Partake to begin with
Flowing upwards
Threatening to reach the throat
Expelling its indignation towards me
Full force
Uncontained fury
I plead for its forgiveness
Promising ecstasy unlike it has ever experienced
I asked for it to have some patience
My arguments proved persuasive
It calmed itself down
Curious to see what would happen next
But reminding there would be hell to pay
Should the promise not come to pass
Beats mixed with blinding lights
Faces frozen in masks of delight
Bodies gyrating in close proximities
Dropping the ambient temperature
To perspiration inducing levels
I am consumed by unrelenting laughter
Hands raised
In worship of the electronic gods
Their missionaries gestured their approval at me
As they turn the tables of the gospel
My neurons tell me I no longer run the show
They want to jump and dance to the stratosphere
And so will I
I feel the telltale cold and lightheadedness
Of intoxication
The room flashes in a light pink haze
No more darkness
Orbs of warmth, tenderness and happiness
Surround me as security blankets
Or a mother's loving embrace
My feet disappear
Fusing with the floor below
How silly
I can still jump and dance
My feet cannot...
Then how contradictory
Of me to swallow an unknown pill
Got myself fooled by pretty colors
And smiley faces
That cover a poisonous skull underneath
To my credit, it was a knowing act
As opposed to my contemporaries
Having their choice erased
By insidious drops on their drinks
The stomach is the first victim
It's always the stomach
There to remind me why I don't
Partake to begin with
Flowing upwards
Threatening to reach the throat
Expelling its indignation towards me
Full force
Uncontained fury
I plead for its forgiveness
Promising ecstasy unlike it has ever experienced
I asked for it to have some patience
My arguments proved persuasive
It calmed itself down
Curious to see what would happen next
But reminding there would be hell to pay
Should the promise not come to pass
Beats mixed with blinding lights
Faces frozen in masks of delight
Bodies gyrating in close proximities
Dropping the ambient temperature
To perspiration inducing levels
I am consumed by unrelenting laughter
Hands raised
In worship of the electronic gods
Their missionaries gestured their approval at me
As they turn the tables of the gospel
My neurons tell me I no longer run the show
They want to jump and dance to the stratosphere
And so will I
I feel the telltale cold and lightheadedness
Of intoxication
The room flashes in a light pink haze
No more darkness
Orbs of warmth, tenderness and happiness
Surround me as security blankets
Or a mother's loving embrace
My feet disappear
Fusing with the floor below
How silly
I can still jump and dance
My feet cannot...