

so shall it be
under the radar
above the law
you think that you are
safe from it all

not a spine in your back
you lack
coward in the shadows
with your pack
solumn in your silence
the vow
you hold in your groups to prowl
what is there to fear in those with actions of a child or lame
I see crystal clear who chose this ignorance of shame

so come one and all
look what I detect
sinister inspired some retired
from a badge that was to serve and protect
freemason's and broken branches of a government of lies
now just disgraced unspoken in the shadows their dances in corruption I despise
I see through thier disguise
most see but decline to open their eyes
as they do the unbelievable and make you believe it is wise
to inflict the innocent for their injustful demise

under the radar
above the law
they believe that they are
safe from it all
under the radar
twisted sections in the twisted legislature
this is straight directed in the boldest nature
I will rise Infront of the eyes above the lies by which you crawl
I will rise Infront of all eyes in the name of Yahuah and Yashua you who act against me you indeed shall fall
so shall it be so shall it be
ye that doeth this iniquity unto thee
you shall fall and bow to your knee you shall fall
so shall it be so shall it be
ye who chose this ignorancy ye that worketh in the shadows against me