

Being Human
Atlus carries the world on his shoulders, and I really relate to this as it feels like I'm hauling boulders, upon boulders on my poor crippling shoulders.

Being human is really hard though man, dealing with emotions, at least for me, is a task that is daunting, because it's a never ending quest, and ultimately makes me feel like a donkey.

Now others deal with issues in groups. They prefer to go solo and spend their time alone, but soon enough they'll feel like it's an isolated episode of the Twilight Zone.

But isn't that what makes us interesting? That we crave to be alone, but ultimately miss our herd, and if you stay alone long enough, then you feel (and might just smell) like a turd.

It's hard though man, it really is. It's hard seeing all this as a planet spinning through a never ending abyss.
It's hard realizing a whole other universe lives beneath our feet, or that deep in the ocean lies an ecosystem that is diverse and distinct, or that jungles are home to many species, as well as many that might soon be extinct.

Or how about the fact that there really are other worlds out there? The fact that in outer space, you can't breathe air?
Or how about that we landed on the moon?! Or the fact that we might colonize Mars soon!

How about the fact we murder for pleasure? Or carry out wars even though there are protestors?
What about the crimes we commit? What about the fact that you can sometimes pay to just get rid of it?
Where's the justice in that? Why does it feel like all these rules and laws we made have no tact?

These are the many questions we face, these are what make us confusing,
These are what make us the human race.
And we are a species divided yet together.
We are people! Quirks and all!
We are people! Without one another we would surely fall!
But when we stand together!
It's like birds of a shared feather, and we definitely flock together!