

The lies we told ourselves about love
lyrics that sings in our head
The beats that never existed but still hit us so hard
The love I thought existed is just a fallacy
Lies upon lies we told ourselves...

I remembered promising not to leave
I knew when I decided not to eat just to speak my deep feelings through the phone
I remembered promising the earth like I own it
Those days when our lips are controlled by emotions
We speak without reasoning only to get back to our senses when the spell is gone
I remembered painting believed realities in my head
Love is like singing while listening to music in an earphone;
What we think, is not what it is
We sound good but in realities they are just imaginations of our own fake self

I sold my pair of shoes just to buy her favourite,
The stupidity I nurtured more than anything else...
Nothing else mattered compared to her glowing eye
She stared like a born model, trained to kill with the sexy look
Her structure was caved well by God, for her stance alone causes me an erection
The lust I cherished more than inheritance.
Don't be shocked for the eyes I once cherished became my nightmare when I saw another
We just tell present lies...

She does promised too,
She claim to go dead if we ever separate ways,
Presently she has ran her way through four after me
She claim to want me till death,
but her wants are leveled up...
The love I thought was real is been pronounced to four others like me
While four others like me pronounces to four others who still own the blindfold
just a circulation of lies ...

"I'm evolving, you should too" her words to me
The evolved specie who sold out love to enjoy luxury
Love is luxury, for the love we once knew died long ago
Love is money, for the love we now know is a trading system
The give and take system of love, I think I prefer
The trade by barter thing, I think I love..
That we can say what we really want and what we expect in return
I think I prefer that to the lies we tell ourselves.

Too many lies I told, too many lies I heard
Love built with lies on the lips, those were the words we fed
Some claim to like sugar, when honey can be sweeter
Some claim to love you when money can be sweeter
A shapeless man with money can buy a straight girl
Everyone has a price, the love you seek can be bought
just buy the love you can afford and hope the price doesn't rises again...
© Themi_write(ink~it~neat)