

I trust you.
It hurts knowing the cement holds no ill will. It simply exists. It may have been created to hold you in place, but you cannot be mad, for it's simply doing its task.

You can really only be mad at yourself for not realizing the mud you stood in wasn't exactly just that. A form of mud, yes, but to be specific, it was cement. You stood there all the same, though.

Blame can only be placed on the stagnant choices of your past self, making your present selfs life so much less comfortable.

Tearing up in self pity never really fit you, but here you are. Crying as you accept the consequences of being unobservant. In a way, you're trapped. Moreso by your lack of ambition to escape then the asphalt cuffing your ankles.

We're all well aware you've made worse mistakes, putting yourself in much more difficult positions than this.

You've simply lost heart, I don't know when or where, but your will ceases to pull you through yet another of many, many hurdles.

Understandable, life is weird with its infinite hardships. Humanity is weirder, being so desperately attached to its concept regardless of that.

But it's okay, it'll be okay. I believe in you...

I trust you.

© Marah Schneider