

Love or hate?
Unite or fight?
Girl or call girl?
Local or global?
Lonely or friendly?
Sweety or beauty?
Independent or dependent?
Fears or confident?
Officer or server?
Gamer or creator?
Believer or cheater?
Help or self?
Busy or lazy?
Wise or crazy?
Lick the shoes or breaking the shows?
Mass up or peace?
Good lover or gold digger?
Smaller or bigger?
Boss or leader?
Ignore or care?
Cry or try?
Boy or toy?
Man or fan?
Can't or can?

To be continued? or....

or , or , or....

Just "OR"

Do it or not?

Or or nor?

Think about or!

Choose an or!

Life or Live?



© 2020 Mohammad Hasan Tusher