

I came to you with confidence
Hiding my fear behind my innocence
Struggling to keep up my language
Faking my voice to come of age

Yet, at least for a moment, you shattered my dreams
Revoked all my marking schemes

You despised my borrowed cologne
Made me feel belittled from now on
With persistence, I searched for you
And just before the search was called off, you said I love you too

I allowed you into my life
Struggled to make you happy as long as I was alive
In every rating I gave you a high five
Making you smile every day I did strive

But you used me
Moaned for more when you knew I had used all my energy
Asked for money yet you knew I worked in no dollar quarry
Flattered with my friends and asked me not to worry
Spent all my time like it was yours to burry

Yet I accommodated you
Hoping it would end in a few
Maybe just some problems here and there, one and two
But you had chosen your path
I wasn't your destination but just a stopover
As you prepared for your life with Oliver
Now with stress, I burn my liver
Knowing am no longer your lover

I regret trusting you
I wish I left when your first said no
But your sexy eyes kept demanding for more
I wish I left when I first saw you kiss Mo
But your beauty made me step on my toe
Now am here in bed, alone till four
If only I knew, but now I know
That love is just but another folklore
