

The day our world changed#corona virus
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors, as people blink here come the tears.
Each day is spent inside , all people want to do is hide.
As the days go on it gets harder and harder to stay strong
People want there lives back to the way they where because right now each day is like a blur.
Not a day goes by where we don't think when does life get back to normal and what must our children must think.
so many people are hurting deep inside some feel lost and broken inside.
So much has changed and how we wish it was a game on that could be put away and never played.
So many people have put there plans aside seniors, graduates, and even brides.
Although it hurts more than we will ever know we stand tall and pull together because right now that's how it must go.
The roles have changed from home to home which has left some people roaling out of bed with nothing but a groan.
each day we have sun we go out for a run, we bike ride and adults play just like the good old days.
when it's time to go inside the children beg for just a little more time.
There has been so much time spent at home and we make sure to talk to our family and friends because we don't know the next time we will see them again.
we look forward for the day when we can accept the warm embrace and look at each other without a mark but face to face.
As we wait for things to get back to the way they where we also look at what we have gained each day our family smiles it hides our deep and saddest pain.
It will get better but until then we are the people and we will fight until we win!!!
© loveforart