

Night King
Who lords over the glass dormitories
where morning animals lay?

And who can attest a moon engorged

other than those throned
to song? In the realm of the slumbered,
a right hand lifts the pans

that balance the wakened. Light looms
over the ones that walk,

stalk, or fly in the hour of my kingdom.

All shall know theirs
a heart at stake for the hunting, either
by love or theft. There

builds no refuge for any man fathoming
beneath my wings, not

the safety in the shadows of sorrow can

snuff the winds I've sent
to seize each town into real quivering.
In the province of the

left hand, by the providence of my craft,
foes cannot inflict the

flames they wish to maim, for only I

administer to the burn
in the brush of the heart, not exile the
ashes into their clutch.

For I am the Night King, a white crow in
my castle and court.

Merely I squawk in my own cold halls.

© Mav P.